December 6th Deer PicturesThis set of pictures emcompasses the second week of buck season and is one of the sets of pictures that I look forward to seeing each year. It is always interesting to see what bucks are still around after the first week of the season. These are most likely the bucks that we will have next year with another year to grow. So far it looks good with the bucks we still have around. The class is dominated by eight point bucks. We captured four eight point bucks on camera along with the nine point and two six point bucks. That is seven racked bucks that we feel pretty confident will make it through the rest of the hunting season. Of course we have some bucks missing, but this is certainly expected. This list included the ten point and an eight point buck that had a long sticker point coming off of one base. The odd seven point hasn't been photographed in a couple of weeks, but this buck has disappeared for long periods of time in the past. Once again we didn't get any coyote or bobcat pictures but we'll keep watching. These pictures were taken with our StalkerCam, Camtrakker Digital Ranger and Bigfoot XLE. ![]()