May 22 Whitetail PicturesAnother week has come and gone and the bucks have continued their antler growth, although not at an accelerated pace. It seems that each year they start slow and then really kick it into gear some time in June. I'll have to say again this week that we seem to be behind last year so we'll see what happens over the next couple of months. If I'm trying to figure out why the bucks antlers may be a little behind last year I think I have to blame it on a few things. We had a poor mast crop last year and our fruit crop was poor to non-existent as well. We also had dry weather in the late summer that I also feel may have had some effect and the big one may be the snow that we had this winter that was deeper than normal for our area and it stayed much longer than normal. Hopefully a good spring can make up for the shortfall. The rain has helped our food plots so there is plenty for the deer to eat along with everything else that greened up this spring. The apple trees are also full so we should have another fun fall around the falling apples. Once again we didn't capture any coyote or bobcat pictures, but we'll keep watching. This weeks pictures were taken with our Bigfoot SLE, Trail Watcher 2060, StalkerCam, Treebark Cameras 4.1 and Camtrakker Digital Ranger. ![]()