February 16th Whitetail Photos

One month since our last set of pictures and we're pretty sure all of our bucks have lost their antlers. We still got pictures of the white footed eight point with his antlers, we didn't get any late pictures of him with his antlers. Like our last set of pictures, this buck showed up in most locations we had cameras.

We did get another set of sheds. The small seven point dropped his antlers right next to each other. He needs to grow a lot to make him a respectable buck.

We're still watching the wounded buck and he seems to be healing. The wound looks like it's continuing to get smaller.

We didn't get any bobcat, coyote or black bear pictures this time so check back next time.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Swamp Ghost, Woodland SpyCam and Whitetail EagleEye.

Can you see the piece of corn on this deer's back? Swamp Ghost

I'm not sure how this deer knew it was back there, but it couldn't resist. Swamp Ghost

The overbite buck, we have high hopes for this buck who was a five point last year. Swamp Ghost

We think this will be that last picture of the white foot buck with his antlers. Woodland Spycam

We had too much snow for my taste. Can you find the cardinal in this picture? Woodland Spycam

It looks like he's healing up real nice. We're looking forward to seeing what this buck grows next year as well. Whitetail EagleEye

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