November 27th, 2015 Whitetail Photographs
This set of pictures is from the first week of rifle season, which is usually a tough week for buck pictures. This week wasn't any different and was a tough week for us as deer managers. The big nine point didn't show up last week or this week and we haven't seen him. The ten point buck that called the old house area home also seems to have went missing after our last picture of him last Wednesday. Finally the big ten point that was the boss on our property was killed Monday afternoon on a neighboring property.
Our fourth biggest buck was still alive as of Friday afternoon. We're just going to assume that he'll survive the season. We need a bright spot. The funny thing is that this buck, the overbite eight point, gave me multiple opportunities to shoot him this week. He was with a hot doe on Thursday and either they couldn't get away from me or I couldn't get away from them.
We still have both eight point bucks that have crab claw-like antler characteristics. We saw them together Wednesday evening and got to watch them spar a bit. They're real close in body size and likely the same age. They'll have to grow a lot over the next year.
The weather was nice and the bucks were running does hot and heavy, probably why our top three bucks are gone.
At the end of the week I took our cameras out of the woods. I'm not sure what we're going to do with our cameras this year. We really enjoy the cameras and deer pictures throughout the year, but it has affected our deer seasons. Sometimes I want to rewind and go back to the old school methods. We'll be sure to let you know as soon as we decide to get more pictures.
The bear showed up at the old house area on Tuesday evening right under our deer condo. We sat out there Wednesday evening hoping to get a look, but he didn't show up. Make sure you take a look at the bear pictures page.
A young six point early Thursday morning. You know when you see a small buck on this page that the big ones are gone.
A bright spot was this buck that we hadn't seen before. He needs to stick around and grow up quick.
The biggest buck we have as of Friday.
We watched these two bucks spare on Wednesday evening. It wasn't very serious.
The largest antlered of our two crab claw bucks.
The smaller crab claw buck. I like his interesting genetics.
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